Welcome to our site! This site aims to serve scientists, educators, journalists, media professionals and students who seek to understand how science and media can be a bridge to understanding crucial science concepts in this time.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help the sciences and journalism see how they can be a bridge together through education.
About this Site
This site was created from an initial curriculum developed for high school science teachers to help their students make the connection between science and journalism. We have taken the best materials from this curriculum packet and made it into this evolving and updated website.
This site aims to help students build their creative and critical thinking, problem solving, communication and writing skills while exploring aspects of science phenomena while using journalistic and scientific approaches to complete each lesson. Furthermore, this site can be a resource for teachers, scientists and journalists seeking to do more in bridging the worlds of science and journalism together.
This project is part of the Center for Science and Media at San Diego State University in the School of Journalism and Media Studies. The Center for Science and Media is a collaboration of the School of Journalism and Media Studies with the College of Sciences in the areas of research, public service, and curriculum. The Center’s mission is to educate the public about science, through the strategic and ethical use of media.
This digital curriculum was made possible through a grant made possible by the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts at San Diego State University and the Online News Association.
We would like to thank the grantors for their support:
Additional thanks to:
Note: Images used in this packet were taken by the authors and through Creative Commons licensing with proper attribution.